Just_Me_Kelee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 8300
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Ramblings of a slight maniac, heart of a hopeless romantic. Visions of a possible prophet, sometimes i feel that ive lost it

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Views: 149

Why do I keep crying? 
Why can't I release this? 
why am I still hurting? 
With all the bad that came between us I still dwell on the good. 
his perfect face… His V shaped back ...  
His perfect enchanting smile clouds my mind.      

Was I really in love? am I really that in love? 

Have I really ever been, truly, in love before? 

Sleeping on his chest... listening to his wisdom... listening to him breathe...    
even when I was angry with him it was such a comfort.   
intellect and charisma.  
charm and wit.   
dashing and enchanting.   
sleeping on his chest... Laying in his arms ... listening to his wisdom...      

 It is selfish but I don't want him to desire anyone else.    
giving him comfort... making him smile... giving him encouragement... turning him on ...                                                   I am angry with him for being dishonest.  
angry with myself for being vindictive.  
he scares me in the best ways...                                                                                                                                    belittles  me in the worst ...                                                                                                                              
 Vain little man with a huge presence.   
pretty face with a misunderstood heart.  
it hurts to be considered too much ...                                                                                                                                 It is embarrassing to know that I wasn't as evolved as I thought I was before he came into my life.  
It's embarrassing that I loud so much ugliness to spew from my subconscious...  

It is embarrassing to know that I couldn't allow myself to love unconditionally. 
I want him...  

I need him...  

I should not ...  

but I do. 





















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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A. truly deep write, Just_Me_Kelee. Such pain usually finds its healing in prayers of divine wisdom and guidance if accepted when given. Be strengthened in the learned experience that has left such keloid memories. Thanks for sharing such a deep write. Respects. Peace and Love.

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