mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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just different

Views: 191



In the early dawn, the loud barking of my dog

Woke me up;

I arose and went to the door leading out onto

The veranda;

I adjusted the blinds and peeped out with my

Quiet eyes.


Peering out through the palisade of bordering


A bright golden-orange glow spread throughout

The forest.

It was as if the night’s meteor shower had lowered

The horizon.


My dog was running back and forth loudly barking

Along the hedges;

It looked as though he was trying to scare a scared

Black cat.

So, I opened the veranda door and stepped out into

The chilling air.


Suddenly, my dog began to howl and wobble as if

He was drunk.

I could hear him whining and could see him swiping

A front paw across his face;

The chilled air was immediately filled with a pungent

Nose and eye-burning odor!


The white streak of fur down the back of what I thought

Was a black cat,

And the inebriating caustic odor confirmed exactly that

Pew! it was not!

No, it was also obviously confirmed that in winter, skunks

 Savor stale dog poop! 

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for resonating with me, love_supreme. Peace and Love.

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