mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 784000
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Total poems - 365 days   302

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Views: 242



As said by the wise ones, wisdom dwells

In contemplation; there we must seek her.

So it is with the musing mind; always seeking

To nourish itself with seeds of guiding wisdom:-


Thus, so it is and must always be when we feed

On thoughts of creation, us, heaven, hell, and earth;

What we think and hope for cannot be divorced

From time and place in ourstory and culture.


Our reality here is not of heaven but of earth’s hell

And our freedom and liberation must be viewed so.

Indeed, heaven is beyond time and space—beyond

Time and history—we are not.


We are fixed in a definite time, history, and culture

As earthy beings and cannot divorce ourselves from

These realities; for perception, rather than conception,

Is the human clue to all our real-life realities.


Liberation never has been nor should ever be allowed

To be a mere fusing concept—an ideology—rather, it is

And always has been, a well-strategized perceived process:

Fought for and won.  Indeed, to be or not to be, it can never

Be a question of; on the contrary, it’s always an answered reality.










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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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