UnderWorldLyricist | Poetry Vibe
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Still Standing



Views: 206

I’ve walked through many storms…

I’ve fought my way through many battles.

Came out with a few bruises but no major harm.

I’ve stood face to face with the devil, faced my demons, and released myself from the mental shackles.

I’m not perfect but a work in progress.

I’m still healing from past pain.

As I move forward, no matter what I face…I try not to stress.

I’m still battling with things that I find hard to explain.

This journey has not been easy…it has been very demanding.

But through it all, I’m still standing.

I can still hear my mother’s loud scream as she fell to the floor.

Tears in her eyes, hands over her face…begging my father not to hit her anymore.

It was heartbreaking for me to watch as my father beat my mother…. causing her to take her last breathe of life.

Over the years, I’ve tried to understand my father without judgment.

How could he treat her that way…she was his wife.

I’m healing the hate in my heart and the resentment.

It took me a really long time…years…to genuinely forgive my father.

This journey has not been easy…it has been very demanding.

But through it all, I’m still standing.

As I sit here by my mother’s grave,

I honor her for all she has done.

I cherish the love she gave.

Through her own struggles, she managed to raise a proud and strong son.

I know she is smiling down on me.

I know she is proud of all the progress I’ve made and the healing I have done on this journey.

I know she watches over me, my wife, and my children.

I know she lives on through me.

I can feel her energy as I write my poetry.

This journey has not been easy…it has been very demanding.

But through it all, I’m still standing.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Amen, UnderWorldLyricist! Standing perpendicular on the ground of God's love; giving Him the glory for healing grace. Thanks for sharing this inspirational poem. Peace and Love.

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