QueenBee | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 275

I miss the days when I was able to feel

When a kiss was breathtaking

When a touch was sensual

When sex was pleasurable

When the thought of love gave me butterflies

Now I feel broken and damaged beyond repair

My ability to feel has vanished

A kiss no longer feels euphoric

I'm numb to the touch

Sex is now unpleasant

And love is just a fairytale


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Contest Winner  

jojo says:

Hey queen bee. I feel your pain, but don't give up on love. From my own experiences, life can sometimes through curve balls at you, literally, and yes they do hurt. However, Don't let it embitter you, instead let it guide you into becoming a better person. Too many of our women hide behind their pain, allowing it to consume them. Read some of my poems, like "Make Pain Your Best Friend", for instance, and/or "Looking for love in all the wrong places" , and you'll understand the message being conveyed. Truth be told, we have to first learn to love ourselves, before we can love others. But enough of me preaching. Check my work out, and be encouraged. With that, stay blessed ma'am.
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Inspiring and deeply felt on so many levels. 🔥
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Ironically, such is the difference in equating "being in love" and "being and giving and receiving true love." Being in love is filled with so many surreal fairytale experiences that "come" and go. "Drone love" is one thing but "worker love" is what produces the lovely honey of life. As I write this QueenBee, please know that I understand where you're coming from. Know that in the beehive of life, there are those there who would prefer to live workingly with you than to merely dying with a "confusing smile. Thanks for the share. Peace and Love.

Newpanther says:

...and this is why we write... to learn, to share, to feel, to heal... bless you, sister!

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