BlkLyryc86 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
My mind is going in an entirely different direction..

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Humble Yourself



Views: 178

Don’t ever forget that you were there too

The world leaned its weight down on your back

Broke and struggling skipped hand and hand up and down your block on the regular

And how in the hell am I going to get through this was a song that your mind replayed over and over again 

Regardless of how low your low was you were still at a place where you damn near lost your mind

You were no exception to the rules

That anxiety was locked and loaded and you had to figure out which step you would take that would not cause you to fall to your mental death

Don’t ever forget that you were there too

That last time was not the last time even though it felt so good to proclaim that you were not going to do it ever again

That high that took you there was life and it had you by your throat and would not let you go

Temptation was everywhere you looked and you just could not resist it, especially when that get back card fell at your feet

Don’t ever think that there is not at least one individual in this world that cannot recount those moments

That shed those same tears or can recount those same thoughts verbatim 

Had to lean over and ask for assistance in their time of need

Or better yet bury their knees down into that cold hard floor and shamefully confess every last sin they had committed just so they could finally reach that peak that they knew would bring them closer to relief 

Before there was a want there was that need, that determination to survive even if it was just the night, staring right at you in your face

Remember that moment when you realized that everybody was not your friend?

And you had to move with a purpose otherwise you knew that you would lose everything in an instant

Don’t find yourself lacking in those areas that placed you upon that platform that you are currently on

Although it may look sturdy, cracks are always developing 

And we all know once a crack develops if not fixed 

It only gets bigger

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QueenBee says:


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blackdutchess says:

this is so true. i use where i came from when i hit that bottom to make sure i let others know that they can overcome and that what goes up can come down. so thank you for this

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The Immortal Wize says:


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