KiloMsundrstd | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 159

You probably think of a nice day at the beach; a day to wash your car or maybe BBQing with friends.. I love all those things but they’re not my first thought... see my sunshine is metaphoric, living behind the eyes of that special someone.. Her gentle light seeps through her pores and energizes my soul.. Her personality so uplifting it’s repaired me in numerous ways.. I’m so grateful because what she provides, medicine or counseling couldn’t produce the same results..  Her touch saved me! Saved me from a dark place that I’d come to love. A place I called home for so many years.. Excavating me back to where I belong.. Allowing me to shed the skin of my doppelgänger and take the lead in my lane in life.. Thanks for throwing me a life raft before I completely capsized… 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A well captured tribute to a very special person. Great write. Thanks for the share,Kilomsundrstd. Peace and Love.

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