Modi | Poetry Vibe
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Open Letter



Views: 201

Dear White Folks,

There's three quarters of a million words. One seventh of those upseard. Why are you so compelled to use the one word that hurts? Why are you so obsessed like a devil possessed feinen junkie duressed for a word to oppress?

Could it be, just maybe, possibly true: that devil that controls it is actually you? Can we say without a doubt or smidgen of a pause, that hate you placate fear is the cause. That it's not our ancestry but yours that is flawed. Not our color but the reason lost, upon you is that you and your kind have never, not ever been once color blind.

That our style and grace, our athletic pace, our music that moves you, our jokes that amuse you..our beauty that muse you is truly a bruise to your very existence. And lack there of all that we are is all that you love.

Because it's not you and all of your klan, motivates your hatred for original man. The cradle of humanity, a club of pitch. Your DNA cannot stand to be second to this. Your Heplotype is oh so white and not that quite pure. None of you will ever be true humans for sure. For this we see jealousy, endless envy dejure. We stand to be provoked by thee, a disease to be cured. 

The sickening truth that I'll never understand, is your fetish fascination with the African man. You own all the wealth and all of the land. You run the whole system and resources demand. And still you're not satisfied. Your white tears never dry. The burden you vilify is that we will never die. Yet, without us our inventions and contributions to life, the only thing you would own is your epidermal white.

You want us to go ya'll way, but we choose to go Yahweh. You crucify us all day Jesus says to pray. We choose to pray all day to Mohammad or Buddha, or Osirus and Maat, all you have is war and peace we've sought. 

By King's way, 'our lives matter' we say. But if we're pushed on the right day, you will all disappear dismayed. What then will you do when the lions let loose? When your wells run dry, and chickens roost. If we choose violence for all that you do, the way you treat us we start to treat you.

But it's not in our nature.. at least not yet. Every year that goes by the more woke we get. Justice begets justice, and so does blood let. So live and let live before the clock is reset and 400 years of taking your tihs, our burning desire for liberation so lit.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

@Modi you can't hear me but I'm the one yelling the loudest. PREACH!!! #iykyk

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Modi says:

LOL. Right on.

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QueenBee says:


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