The Derrick Terrill Project | Poetry Vibe
The Derrick Terrill Project
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6300
contest winner
I been so busy with maintaining my existence writing has been receiving my cold shoulder. I gotta pick up the pace my third book won't write itself.

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Views: 266

 -I informed these parts of the machine.
-Of how I intend to bring destruction to the oppressors machinery.
-Because the time has come.
-It's time for a revolution.
-These treachous teachers of deceit.
-Tried to blueprint plans of
-A way to exile me into silence.
-This decendant of the party
-This polictal prisoner
-But no walls,
-No bars,
-Nor no guards can conquer or hold down a dream.
-They can only torture the dreamer.
-You see there is no way that prison can ever gain victory.
-So it makes those that hunger for liberation suffer for it's defeat.
-These things that I say
-These things that I do
-Are extremely dangerous
-A true revolutionary realizes that if he is sencere
-Death is imminent
-I stand by
-And I will die for what I believe in
-The empire has done too wrong for too long &
-It's time for a revolution
-I've nonviolently sat in idle long enough
-My hypocrisy has been reached & breeched.
-To get rid of a gun.
-You must take up a gun.
-Armed self defense.
-By studying & observing,
-The resistance.
-And when you know thier next move,
-Like the back of your hand.
-You react
-Or retaliate.
-Then scream to the top of your lungs.......
-"It's time for a revolution!!!!!"

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lloydboy35 says:

Wow Man!!! I have no words for this one!!! Truth!!!

The Derrick Terrill Project says:

thanx bro did u check out the site for publishing yet?

lloydboy35 says:

Yeah tryna digest it all in...I really appreciate that..I will definitely keep it for future use!

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