Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Destiny's child


first love

Views: 151

Destiny's child 
you, who... have 
always inspired in me
a need to reach further  
than my eyes, can see
visions of newness, 
to merge 
and complete... 
one another's mind 
becomes a TRUST...
even a blind man can see
beyond the facade
Like does not describe
...this GOLD mine,
A gift of the universe... 
to this space and time

 When i look into your eyes 
i see reminders of everything... 
i'd ever wanted in a woman
and it's no surprise... we found 
one another, like the new beginning 
...of every sunrise, 
each momentary step, 
on our way to this Heaven
of the richest reward 
this living stage could provide
like regal birds soaring in flight... 
we fly embracing our condition
while changing positions 
in our flow about each other... 
with growing anticipation,
watching as if our spirits 
were floating suspended 

in US,  
i see love beings in motion
silhouettes which dance, 
as reflections of you and i... 
drawn together on fire 
with this love thing
a genuine desire 
to be willingly fulfilled
attracted by 
the lightning of will... 

living within the oceans 
of our emotions

When we first met, 
it was our destiny

which lit a spark between our hearts, 
igniting something far greater...

a need, awakening emotions 
which could not be denied

like currents in the stream  
opening portals dimensions beyond 

our lovemaking cries/reaching the stars... 
and so, we started...  shaking it up, 
breaking it down/dancing on rooftops 
levitating above the ground... 

Then it came down to it

come time for tensions release
meeting of your hips and mine, lips flying... 

the mind-blowing roller-coaster ride 
of all i ever wanted ...a chance to get inside

past your defenses, 
knocked down all the fences between us... 

level up, to the dream of 
Us becoming... 


just beginning to
searching, finding 

...mine, yours
becoming OURS... 

getting, ever... 
sweeter and deeper, 

each and every time
we celebrate our love... 

our bodies working overtime 
FOR everything good about 
...being alive, within this... 
coming to BE

better than a dream, 
a new reality/scene... 

in a mirror of many dimensions, 
driving our emotional revelations 
as we display the natural expression 
loving, what we build, 
to connect 
which coincide 
with the things we do...
and everything beautiful 
about you 
bends time, folds space... 
brings us back to the place
we, first became ...aware/dared 
to step beyond the threshold 
of i/me... and you/too 
bonding with fire and water  
recognized the connection 
as something greater...  
hear echoes of love being made...
instant replays of so many, yesterdays 
todays, echoes ...of our heartbeats
merging rhythms combine 
bringing hope, restoring faith 
probing waves of strength
to the utmost of our abilities
becoming ONE... with the flow
of the universe/only now...
to realize... we have always been 
rising and falling upon waves 
of an ancient calling/between US
in perfect alignment 
with the moon 

...and the tides





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, C2! ONE! Beautiful! Such is the onderful oneness of the shared womb of the "ocean of emotions" on the mooning waves and tides of love. Thanks for sharing this "sailing" pen and quenching my waiting thirst of hearing from you, my inspiring Brother! Peace and Love
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

i am honored to have a place to play my pen/A friend who appreciates my efforts to bend words

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE. Peace and Love.

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