lloydboy35 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Oh Love



Views: 371

from the fire love, 

to the affair in the pub


commitment rush

 cant explain why i leave her



it's insane

what used to be a hell hot flame

now to a flicker



the chronical  bicker

 she feels resentment



  i dont intend to leave her

 in discontentment



 after so many years


 how can she love me the same way

  cold to her tears


how could my heart just runaway

yet she talks to me ,I have nothing to say



  I havent any solutions but aim to embrace change


observing her constitution expresses to me' I'm a strain

 why cant i feel her pain


there for the duration

she's patient


the way of love a woman have for a man

i can never understand








its grief and sorrow























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