Upright, perpendicular to the timing ground, we
Stand on the steel-like shoulders of ancestors
Who came here before us and did more with
Less that we could, with more, would have
Less to do in leaving footprints for those
Coming after to follow that their trek to
Liberation and respect would be less.
Thus, as we celebrate our story,
Let it not be just for a month; rather,
Let us celebrate our sojourn each and
Every day that those to follow us may be
Uplifted each and every day in their quest
To be able to stand and say and give thanks
That they too will be leaving steel-like shoulders:-
Indeed, let us celebrate ourstory daily
That in history, we are not just given a month
But are appreciated celebrated Americans, daily
For ours were the foundation backs and steel-like
Shoulders upon which this country’s founding began
And despite spotted history, it has become one of the
Most admired countries in this, our troubled world today.