His pen still burns afire from across the bridges of yesterday
Seen from the mountaintops of Newark to Watts
Ignited at protests, sit-ins, demonstrations, incarcerations and assassinations
While I slept comfortably and safely in my little bed
He remains a microphone projecting wisdom from the heavens
from scribes whose once fiery pens
Rained down the joys
The sorrows
The hot and cold of our blacknesses
Not just the way we were but
What we ought to be
His pen is still a paintbrush
Scribing masterpieces in colorful nouns
Adjectives and verbs
Calling unorganized words into action because
Tend to take afternoon siestas in the dead of late afternoon storms
But he
As he mentored me to be
a writer of poems
A vanguard of the truth
A Front line soldier
Brushing here
Dabbing there
until paintbrushes are put away for another day
Or sit silently
Awaiting the next Van Gogh in black beret and matching leather jacket
His pen orders symphonies of writers of poems into action
Swift movements in time with precision and discipline
Every word is a note
Keeping the audience transfixed
And I sit
Awaiting with pen in hand
Permission granted from the maestro to play my soliloquy in staccato rhymes
Or military quatrain formation
He mentors me now
Flames of the Last Poets
Embers fanned by him
And sparks rise every so often
Burning on to my notepad
And onto this Poetry Vibes page
It just came out of nowhere
Like water from the open fire hydrants on my block in late August
And I willingly jumped through
Ran through
Until his words soaked my clothing and my consciousness
May my paintbrushes
burn flaming nouns, pronouns and birth verbs
Words of action
sparking explosions of poetry
images of today
smoldering embers for tomorrow
as I scribe underneath the shadows of his wisdom
The wisdom of my mentor