2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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Settling In



Views: 104
Just around the time as habits come to settle in. The world around us changes. Thinking to ourselves : where do we begin, again? Seeking to make sense of the choices that topple world's. It is really a simple world, and I am a simple girl. Asking why things happen that cause so much confusion, so much suffering...maybe, the world is just deranged. Learning how pieces of life make a whole, how ingredients compose food for the soul, how regulations create order for a cohesive populace. Waking up face to face with more questions than answers. Truth is only dependent upon perspective. Being real, depends upon how much you can conceal.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great capture, well relayed.....ONE
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Each challenge met opens things up for the next one waiting. Each day survived prepares us for the tomorrow comoing. Thanks for a profound share. Peace and Love.

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