2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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long distance

Views: 154
Yes. I long to have what I believe I deserve. How much longer will the breaks I could prosper from be a distant prop? I have always believed the end of all we need is a future in continuity. As we give with regularity, as we share with habitual kindnesses, as we live in good will daily, our portion should suffice towards the fullness of life. Nearby, those known and loved may regard the importance of giving as we do. Distantly, as the stars we watch for signs of rain and sunshine, in lands and places unlike ours inking. Multitudes, unsustainable because fortune alone shone but richer in spirit because the world around them did not take for granted the preciousness of life, itself.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Peace and Love
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Peace and Love

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