Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 208

It is
The voice of Phyllis Hyman
Or whoever you got on your Bluetooth playlist while you buzz around the house
doing this 
or doing that
Or a most efficient effort of doing absolutely nothing
So angelic in your accomplishments
Or not

It is
The heads secretly nodding at the supermarket
Behind the backs of their wives
checking out the honey ham on sale for the kid’s school lunches
And you just wearing my old college hoodie and jeans
Choosing this or choosing that
Or bypassing it altogether
We already got too many at home
Or don’t really need to have it all

It is
You walking through the church doors
And the preacher man suspends his holy dance in midair
Because he is sure the holy ghost done sent their best angel to grace the aisle seat
Planted on the third pew to the left
And them front row Baptist hats 
And swivel in unison like ballerinas in Swan Lake
Their own times so many years ago
When it was them who used to make heads turn

It is
The glare of mirror shades on the beach
Hiding jealous staring eyes
Twinkling in the sun like Hollywood strobe lights on opening night
As you pass by rows of lounge chairs 
Choosing this or choosing that
the best palm tree shade and premier unobstructed ocean view
And I am
Just happy to take a selfie with you
Proof for posterity
That I am totally immersed
Totally satisfied and wallowing like the kid at the ala carte breakfast line
In the sounds
In the holiness
In the beauty of the blackness 
Of your love

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, we follow love rather than love following us; and in doing so we are pewed into capturing its revelations as opposed to canvassing the vision of the explicable mind to self. Such is the "...the beauty of the blackness of ...[awareness]" Nice share. Peace, Love, and Happiness.

Newpanther says:

honored, mentor!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE. Peace andLove.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Outstanding masterful capture......Bravo....ONE

Newpanther says:


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