Preceded by pandemic discontent,
this winter’s snow, in coal-like times
gave opportunity for chilling allegorical
focus on messages that the season brings:-
As the wintering of time wanes,
it becomes evident that left footprints
in a snowbound world are useless.
As snow melts, so do the footprints
made in its chilling groundings.
Melted footprints are forever lost
and so are their wet memories.
In a snowbound world, you cannot
leave footprints of guidance; for coal-
like sunshine in such a world will prevent
the keloiding of vapourous memories.
Indeed, warmth from the burning
of coal—in winter’s cold—spirals like
smoke as coal slowly transition into
useless ashes which can’t be transformed
back into the fire-fueling coal of soft warmth:-
Thus, as I likewise transition in the roaring sea
of life’s waters, may my spring waves left to froth
upon the shores with the winds, collectively release
clanging echoes from the conch shell of my life.
And on the sheeted sands of time, may my indelible
words be as squawking soaring seagulls—in ocean air—
rhythmically echoing God’s divine wisdom and guidance
that was given and shared from the warm cistern of his love.