I never learned how to teach the world to understand me
as they always taught theirs to never view me
While my sister's never learned to be more then what a book told them to be
as their love never outgrew the idea to becoming another number in the book that dries her tears in secret
While my brother's shoots another needle in thier veins because they never felt love the ordinary way
what our brain saw as normal, the world never cared to reach in for a hug
Our skin was beautiful, those who looked different embraced us
they wrote their notes as if we were experiments
but never tagged up in the innovations that made them rich
and although those disfigured clouds ran out of hopes and rain
but never dared run freeing us from the shadows to final rest our pain upon the sun
I was never taught how to understand the world
as the world has taught me never to make a move in life without watching them
Or I would never have a chance