Around the world—evil raging wars continue to be steadfastly fought
In the name of lasting peace;
The military-industrial complexes have found the puppets they’ve sought,
Both in the ruling West and East;
Mislead cannon fodders on each side, are being sent as heroic anti-terrorists
To theirs and others death;
While the warmongers play pass-time war games of mighty military strategists;
Claiming what of Earth’s resources are left.
Nuclear power is once again the most prized of all sought after possessions;
Embryo and fetus organs are the new ticker tapes.
Bloated bellies—reflecting world hunger—have become the victims of recessions;
Freedom and justice, victims of worldwide rapes;
Meanwhile, the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness of a roof over our head,
Have become worthless pursuits of the game;
No matter how loud the cries and screams of the masses of walking dead,
The mongers cry, ‘ask God who’s to be the blame’.
Around the world—Sabbath calls continue to be as segregated as peace is from love;
War remains the kingpin.
The hawk remains on high—his talons clutching the neck of the defenseless dove:
Bigotry and war know no sin.
Albeit, let us not be fatally dismayed
But remember the sacred promise made:-
The dawn of the Age of Aquarius has come and gone—nothing has really changed
As the prophecies predicted and supposed.
Today, another new day is upon the horizon—faith and hope having long arranged
A peace only the angles could have reposed.
Behold, the many rivers we’ve crossed, now flow into the sea
Of a newfound day;
None can stem the tides of the blood flow of peace and equity
Streaming our way:-