Modi | Poetry Vibe
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How Hard


Views: 186

To bee or not to bee sting yo'like Ali to Abraxes

Completely free when I attack this monopoly of klansmen

I stand like a tree from where that fruit dropped 

On the eve of eve that caused time to stop

No kneeling down to a deity more like Kappernick's knee with Achilles feet

The feats of my deeds for my people's needs make me more like a piranha

When I feed at the troth filled with plants of freedom seeds 

I see God's plan for my soul to keep

I slay like Samson and Hercules

I go Zulu on fools that test my grief over my ancestors who leapt into those seas

To escape what they knew was slavery

I go hard like the truth that Sojouner brought

I bring pain to the evil Nat Turner sought

I box with the caucs like Roy Jones would've fought

I bring chill to the bones that speak ill of the thought

That this brutha has honed the skills he's been taught

By the most high of thrones

Games over Snow's lost

Send these barbarians to Valhalla I'm half Killmonger and T'challa

We don't need a Wakanda just each other and the bond of

Our people and the fond love of an equal like the dawn of

Reaping blessings from above by Ra and his touch

We're not raisins but the fire of the infinite 


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