Out of sight, came into might of mind insight
Refined thru support structures of sublime timing
Playing the numbers, like the dozens, policymaking victorious hits
Thought by high minds’ 2b defined as a deer by way of roadkill
Headlines cause pause, like remembering that certain yesterday
The devils’ gun sparks, hitting directly, glossing highlights historically
I am humane, pre Cro-Magnon, must be why my chin is so strong and worthy
Labelling my existence 2b a footnote, lies can only go but for so low, before pages turn
Smoke and mirrors fail to properly reflect my position, caroling supposition
I arise like the sun who greets the prayers of the so called least on knees east
I do come alive and with the assistance of firmly place hands supported thru ancestry
This volition that I do, can, will and must stand is all the persistence that is needed
Believe every day, believe man, believe women and believe children, we rise again as tall…..
For the shadows extend to cast a long reflection that ends with us standing not uptight
Verily, fully on our own two feet, no longer needing to bend to the brutality of falsified self
My reach is forever upwards, for such a stand the heaven’s will reward me in knowledge
For my stand for equanimity is the result of heart and mind making love to produce towering spirt
Such is the birthright and countenance symbolized in pyramids and tekhenu standing the test of time
THREE EIGHT TWENTY-TWO (Inspired by John Henrik Clarke – A Great and Mighty Walk)