those who left me left me to defend myself against fear of being lonely those who left me without provisions left me to provide for myself those who left me in dangerous surroundings left me to protect and shield myself from harm those who left me when I was down left me to get up off the ground and stand on my own those who left me unexpectedly left me with a bitter root expectancy those who left me to fend for myself left me to depend on myself those who left me for dead left me to survive and learn how to stay alive those who left me and never looked back left me behind to look after myself those who left me alone left me to make it on my own those who left me out in the cold left me to weather the storm those who left me in compromising conditions left me to succeed beyond expectations those who left me wondering why did they go left me in the state of I don't know those who left me torn left me to mend the tears those who left me crying left me in bitter tears those who left me left me and been gone for years those who left me left me to be by myself long enough to find myself left me in a state of me knowing thyself