there's no song minus Memory she's the mother of music there's no poem minus Memory she's the power of poetry there's no life minus Memory she's the mother of life expectancy there's no love felt minus Memory she's the power of the love there's no heartbeat minus Memory she's the mother of the drumbeat there's no clang minus Memory she's the power of cymbals there's no boom minus Memory she's the mother of explosions there's no flame minus Memory she's the power of fire there's no air minus Memory she's the mother of breath there's no rain minus Memory she's the power of waterfalls there's no sound minus Memory she's the mother of frequency there's no power minus Memory she's the mother of energy there's no rhythm minus Memory she's the voice of melody there's no echo minus Memory she's the power of vibration there's no hearsay minus Memory she's the mother of history there's no myth minus Memory she's the mother of mystery there's no memoir minus Memory she's the mother of the written word there's no recollection minus Memory she's the power of recall there's no vision minus Memory she's the power of sight sound and touch