Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 181



Remembering dreams

you'd never question


reading from the depths
where passions ply
in a world of surrender

...of heartbeats
and sighs



Priceless... Artifacts
gifts from the spirit world
magical, potent talismans
holding unparalleled power
to help… heal and protect
special herbal, minerals
and animal products
used to make

In the essence of ...just the natural rhythms

of energetic spiritual entities

openly communing

within the current of the universal flow,

having resonating echoes of heartbeats and dreams...

Where minds are free to climb beyond memories

and rise through the heavens, no longer bound

by the confining mental limitations of physical beings

As has been, inclined... 

Since the beginning of time



We are called upon

to do our spirits dance as our emotions stream

blending our hopes and dreams

poetic treasures of passions and pleasures
goodness only knows

why, we do it,

but it shows who we are...

deep inside 

What will you do? when the spirits

call for you to rise

besides pick your nose

with the bones of dead trees 

…tie yours up neat with bells and whistles, 

buttons, and bows

Although, for each of us

our life's callings are different
sometimes, we are fortunate
and for a time have the greatest 
love and understanding between us



we falter making or taking offense
 mistakes so badly handled

by either or both parties
it seems we've nothing to gain

...all we have left is

The love we have learned to retain
and the time in our lives

…which remains  



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mrmelody7 says:

I recall on one of my writes you referenced Dr Who whom I was not familiar with your pic there gives a nice view of the world of humanity as you see it Sir Charles Interesting writes you create
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mrmelody... trying to communicate more clearly, be a better storyteller and open the reader something worth a good read

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, C2! A profound beautiful canvassing of that pregnant poetic mind of yours freely flowing our mission purpose of echoing "...The love we have learned to retained and the time in our lives...which remains." Thank you for sharing this inspiring write, C2. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5... work in progress

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