Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Kunta Kinte



Views: 284

I can’t post the piece I wrote the other day
No names to be changed to spare the innocent
Every entry is legit spanning almost six hundred years
My time writing it was intently spent happily climbing my family tree 
Swinging from every branch to every limb
Cherishing each leaf new and old
Remembering stories told by those who remember 
And the relief was such a high when I finished the last line
My assignment was to write this for the family reunion
And Michael
Make sure it’s not too long
Keep it short and to the point so everyone can 
At the end
Breath in its knowledge and let out a collective
Ah hah
I didn’t know I was a descendant of her or him
But you never place a timeclock in front of a writer of poems
Limit my time and space
Place me inside of a box with a broken pencil and half a sheet of paper 
And removed from the trash can by the kitchen door
Are going to grab whatever you can hold on to
The meteorologist predicted this turbulent weather while I was in my mother’s womb
The wind and rain will stop when I’m in my tomb
And someone else under me
Adds to the family tree
Swinging happily from branch to limb to me
The fallen leaf  


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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Imaginative/creative. Bravo
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Beautifully profound, my Son of Sons. May your leaf continue to float the river flowing along the way of The Tree of Life. Peace and Love.

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King Suspire says:

No restraints on writing. The story is only done when its finished. Not even the writer knows when that is.

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Newpanther says:

So true, sir!

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