Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Counting our blessings



Views: 170




Comparing our special gifts

as we count our blessings

we need to make sure and double it,
for the miracles we share

knowing we are not alone
someone cares about us

even more, so

when we are down and out
calling with our all

sometimes, where we hear nothing,

no answer to our prayers

only in silent echoes

which ripple through our lives

seasoned with our tears


when we do find strength

moments we are alone

freed from the distraction of the day

balancing our worlds upon our inner focus

awakening once again giving time for us to pray

masking the comforting rhythms of familiar sounds

much like the sighted having fears of going blind


Remembering the less fortunate than you and i

Do you and yours cry for them,

perhaps sometimes

Or is your belief in the common good

…a lie…


memories are a double-edged sword

not to be turned in anger

against us

with all the love stored in our hearts

we should live forever…

remember, we are all in this together

so, as we give

and it will come back in many ways
in friendships

which double our capacity to give
feeds us, as we live it

find someone as true to themselves

as they are true to you,

with the creators blessing watch its glow

extend to everything about you

in everything you do

so we cannot ever

run out of...

the sweet essence of
living and giving




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, C2! Indeed, we must ever be aware of the glow of the Creator's blessings. We must ever be aware that when it all seems "down and out", we are forever up and in the Creator's love and peace. Thanks for the awareness. ONE. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5... you have a way of seeing much in all you do

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Hd to share this with a friend. Again, Thanks. ONE! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Honored to have part in something worth sharing

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