wrote some stuff about moving
forward it turned out to be
words about broken idols
torn pages in open bibles
red books full of hymnals
church house in a cemetery
child molester in a seminary
bitter fruit and poison berries
wouldn't be a screamer
if weren't scary like breast
milk it's non dairy one
would say it's downright
demon if the wafers made
with baked in semen breaking
news if bloods thicker than
water how fine is priestly wine
spoiler alert there will be
puking in the pews in this scene
from a outbreak of communal
disease stories ain't been told of
troubles eyes seen God bless
freedom of speech to preach
one who ain't trying to breach
ain't the one to try to reach
if faint of heart don't watch
this part as far as I can tell
chances are it ain't gone
end well on a stairwell
going up to hell and down
to the pit stuck on a stick
put on a spit if it smells
rotten it's a piece of sh*t
if on fire it's lit to be writ
either it's a habit or its a
curse moving forward can
one go back without reverse