This that we call life has its beginning and inevitable ending;
Waxing and waning along the ups and downs of the way.
In the framing of my mind, I have chosen it to its fullness;
Relying on the ever cravings for divine wisdom and guidance
In the choices I have made in achieving that fullness thereof.
Oh, I must admit—good or bad—many of the choices made
Have been painfully made and survived; leaving me to flow my
Twined tears of sorrow and joy down a black don’t crack face
Whose waxing wrinkles welcome waves frothing its hued shore.
Though it is inevitable that we will pass this way but once,
We must always be aware of the choices we decide; for
The spirit of the fullness of life which we leave behind
Will linger for generations after we have passed on:-
Thus, the greatest choice I’ve made in the fulfillment of the fullness
Of my blessed life, is to live one of peace and love; and to defend
Mine and the peace and love of my fellow beings—through any
Means necessary—against those who with war seek to destroy
This shared liberated life that the Crucifixion bequeathed us.