What for others takes mere moments,
For you and i could last for a million years.
i never want to lose your love…
If Visitors from a distant galaxy,
after among the ruins of the pyramids,
watching the mummies come back to life
and learn the innermost secrets
of our societies.
If they would happen
upon the very essence
of you and me, they might find
my emotional DNA
and recreate what i feel for you right now.
Is it my worst case scenario?
All hopes and fears
becoming realized.
Sparks of liquid crystal teardrops
in my eyes
From a tiny island
in the universe between you + i,
How we met, kismet
moments in time
that i cannot forget
never, if i ever leave you,
i will suffer
with all my pain + sorrow
But not regrets
for, i love you forever…
If there were signs that you feel differently
…i haven’t seen them, yet…