A bee… in flight
Making deliberate motion
While attentive to all elements
Of self-survival, making adjustments
Within the array of bee things
On the list of things to do… today
No time for play
Its life not geared towards self
As much as the hive, its focus… on life
Being, but an element of something greater
Than itself
(not even in its dreams)
Not even of the queen…
a chess piece in life
Every ONE …a pawn of circumstance
Ingenious for its purpose
to provide continuity
All focused… to its function
as a whole
While making forays further
Dancing in orbit of a flower
to a dream ballet
Of emotions gift,
sweet nectar of desire
A meeting place for nature
To merge …dimensions
A point of greater
creative power at play
In the same place in space
and time...
As the stars…
which play upon our minds
In ways, we find challenging
to correlate
With our fate…
A hummingbird flies backwards
To escape an unknown intrusion
Suddenly materializing from the abyss
Its movement a distraction,
Requiring action
Interrupting a moment of bliss
Upon its arrival/our little friend
Employs the arc of the crash diver
Sensing the apparent danger to survival
A near miss
closer to the edge
Into the realm of madness
Haunting senses dwell between
Materialized visions where
Ghostly images melt
Between reality and fantasy
In its essential elements
A presence felt building bridges
Across the void where surreal passions melt
Into and out of apparent surreality
To vanish forever,
back into our dreams
A glimpse of life
seen briefly
in then out, it seems
Begins with a simple touch
Is often all it takes …as we begin to love
Striving for perfection,
Perspective projections...
On due course
Giving echoes in effect,
correction towards
The ideal …perfection
getting honorable mentions...
along the way
Not necessarily though,
as the gift
Is in the message
To convey a truth, a blessing
perhaps another look a singularity,
A conviction
purpose for being
At the center
of our