1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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It's Enough



Views: 137
White, no right people. This applies to more than a culture or shade of skin. Its goes beyond political views and is simple when reflecting on the historical damaged created to divide men. You say you've done nothing wrong, so why not give everything back. Return what you have that your ancestors actually stole from all other cultures as you contemplate historical facts. Your ancestors raped and pillaged more than one nation. You maimed and killed and refuse to admit the cruelty that today by description makes you cringe but for your future you white wash the truth for this new generation. It's horrific when embracing the example provided by those that paved the way to the luxury you live as you request our history to be made to fade. Some how you think that distorting historical moments can create reprieve where your minds set to ease as we yet must live in this world begging for the right to breath. Yes You are embrassed because you got caught, the ones before you didn't consider a tomorrow where people won't be Bought yet you still desire the glamorous life and refuse to look back yet your still white, still privileged at the cost of us. The cultures you savagely disempowered just because, we are Finally saying its enough.

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mlowe5 says:

Thanks, 1ldvirtue! A well penned truth of the bigotry of history and ourstory! Indeed, it now borders on being more than enough! Peace and Love.

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