mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 226



On and within the fullness 

of this beautiful sunshine day,

I peacefully sit here pondering 

the present chaos of the world.


How awe confusing…it all is–

outside, flowers are blooming,

birds and butterflies are soaring,

and the quiet wind peacefully blows.


But within the physical and spiritual me,

there seems to be a battle for power control

over which system is the most in control when

it comes to sustaining me physically and spiritually.


Indeed–within–the heart seems to challenge

the brain, while expansion and restraint tease

the soul and spirit with respect to focus and divine

wisdom and guidance in oneness of mission purpose.


Here at home and around the rest of the world, atrocities

continue within its circumference: supporting inequality,

denying climatic change, ignoring human disasters,

and pimping war; all deemed…apt power aides.


Indeed, as I sit here looking out into the Godly beauty

of nature’s canvassing in the springtime, all is painfully

sighted and sourly tasted by the awareness of the chilling 

wind of change murderous war is bleeding onto peaceful life.


Once more and again–we hued–wherever we may be

in our sojourn, are caused to detour round-about-focus of

empathy to drop off aspiration, inspirations, hope, faith, and

collective actions, to physically and spiritually aid victims of war-

mongering power-viral infected oppressors we all battle in common.


As I sit here gazing out/into this beautiful canvassing of nature,

hell flaming fires are wreaking devilish havoc not too far away and

at the same time, bombs shred life and spread their collateral pains;

all leaving peace to be realized in the spirituality of the actions of love.


As the “round-about of nature leads us back to the sojourn pathway

our ancestors left and foot-printed for us, let’s move on past syndrome 

roadblocks and continue to cover miles of awareness–honking honks–echoing

loudly to all the world that ...our equanimity too, is essential to world harmony.”


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mrmelody7 says:

Peace b still lots of things to see when one retreats into one self this write shows that lots of stuff to sort out to keep one life in balance
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed. Thank you, Sir. Peace and Love.

Sassy says:

Perhaps we are too peaceful with our Western world problems. Maybe we need more anger to power through to end these atrocities?
Contest Winner  

Mlowe5 says:

I’m sure we are because of who we are: Torch Bearers! Blister hands and hearts.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. While being there for others, we must still remain on course in our own sojourn. Peace and Lovd.

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