Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Fat Katz



Views: 164


In this crazy world 
far too often, we drift off 

All thru our lives 
with wild imaginings

coming down life’s road 
wide eyed, with curiosity

Instead of seeing behind 
the scenes at the reality


So here we are 

wandering across time and space

across old killing fields 
of some god forsaken race

(no "critical theory" required)

just common sense

Of  the 57 different varieties 
of homo sapiens

Whose whole identity has been erased

Before they got a good taste of the way

of what we may think life should be 

living in this paradoxical concrete jungle

Where the coolest cats… feed upon

The fattest rats

Perceptual paradise 
is what this all 
has come to be

for this wave of survivors
being that...

The CON 
has progressed so efficiently 

You see, what they want you to see

And you participate in the self hustle

Till it satisfies you , naturally

Ever see a political party 
get you to pay all the bills, 

while they 
party day and night 

finding another flock 
to fleece

with sly, slick 
and wicked skills 

even when 
they are observed 
in scandalous endeavors

caught red handed 
going for the kill

…selfishly, dividing the spoils, 
taking more(the greed)

always twice or more
(than what they need)

reminding us poor stiffs, 
the reason we exist

is feeding, 

Fat Katz

Instead of what life 
could be connectively 

if we all could learn the secret
Of how to keep 
our hands to ourselves, 

share the common wealth
…and play nice

Here we are again, 
same old game

by the dog eat cat 

Taught by teachers,

Trying to get you 
to work like a dog

If you want to eat, 

while some cat 
across the street

Makes all the rules 

maybe it’s us…

We’re all going 
to the wrong schools

Getting beat, 
trying to get enough saved

To bury our bones, 

a place to live

Some meat 
to put on the table

If we’re able 
to get along, 

get a loan

Get a car to get to work… 
put in a little gas

travel across town

Try to get together 
enough cash

To put a down payment 
on a home


you’ve got to do 
a thirty-year gig

Just to purchase 
a place to live

No matter what you do…

Sophisticated kitty 

got eyes on you 

IRS makes sure you play nice

And pay your dues

Lets you keep the change 
once in awhile 

So, you can 
“take the wife out to a movie”

Get a new pair 
of working shoes

Fat Katz

Have got a piece of the action

In everything you think or do… 

Behind every product, 
there’s commercials


Commercing you …
is what they do

Fat Katz




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Contest Winner  

Mlowe5 says:

Fat Katz keeping us poor starving p…z…s…Fat awareness! ONE, C2. Peace and Love.

mrmelody7 says:

Fat Katz a leg up on everyone but they only here a short time like the rest of us Enjoy life thats always how I looked at it
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

This is a POWERFUL piece Charles.

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