love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 204600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 156

I have an apple a day and she is the apple of my eye. I die so that she can live. I take so that she can give. Its a toxic relationship and I am hear for it. Its a revolving a door in a place you dont want to be. The sights are appealing, the content of the character is a shipwreck. 

A human endeavor into everything that we are spiritual with the flesh holding us in this position. We are on a mission, lost and unafraid. Well maybe a little bit. Ok, maybe a lot but we keep moving forward.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, and the "snakes" are coiled in confusion. One. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, and the "snakes" are coiled in confusion. One. Peace and Love.

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