Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Views: 170

Misfired visions

stewed all sense of reason 

skewed my thoughts 

made me lose all track 
of rhyme

or reason... 

misdirected, the genuine
need to add salt 

to the beans 

butter, to the toast 

even worse
misapplied the seasoning

Despite my best effort to achieve 
the object of my heart’s desire… 

My mind, being in synch 

Sent Morse Code messages 
to my wits, 

synapses firing tighter 
than usual firing frequency permits

sending messages to my hips

which started to moving 

as if, i was

a beat, so hip... 

my mouth watered, as i imagined 
how sweet the lips of

the woman of my dreams
came home to me

working my mind-overtime

being drained, my brain 

started to shutdown, so fast

i started to scream

it was only a dream...


So, let us reset the switch
to reality... 

stop messing round
in Looney Town

we've got love to get...

So much so, 

if you listen closely, 

you might just…

imagine a chain reaction 
of satisfaction

stirring in the pot

if you can just hold on
seems like its getting hot

or maybe not... 

can hear them humming
on a near-distant hill, 

a lone trumpeter stands tall

Spits out such a beautiful 
string notes

they're left hanging in the clouds 

just for the love of solemn blues 

It’d make the hardest soul begin to weep

A cheeky bird, mazed at what’d just occurred, 

Mystified by which means such crisp tones 

had come to light… 

perhaps envious a rivalry stirred 

Sanctified joyous rhythms 
all but lost in a dream

Almost as if heaven, 
was called to earth

Asking if, anyone was at home… 

The trumpeter  
played his heart out 

speaking directly to them bones… 

Those keynotes rang out brilliance, 
as if played in a cathedral, 

written in stone 

Keeping up with the Smiths 
by satisfying the jones

Then, lightning struck 
it was as if a volcano erupted,  

The music died, 
the trumpeter, overcome 
by deeper sadness, still…

Cried, losing all train of thought

At a greater loss, than ever 

decided to go back inside and chill

A distant drummer lost in silence

Started a beat to fill the void 

until mosquitoes 
and biting flies came to unleash their wrath

Fireflies synchronized their flashes 
in and out of phase, 

seemingly annoyed… 

Crickets, still confused 
by what’d all transpired… 

Started rumors 

chirping lies

Then dragonflies came ...and 

attacked the fireflies

Toads and frogs came 

to take the lying
Cricket’s lives, 

then were...

just as swiftly, gone 

(Fade to silence)



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Sometimes it's a matter of overloading, underloading, or wrong loading. And then there are times when the mental mechanism just "self-locks" beyond reasoning. At any rate, it's reloading time. Appreciate the share. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Can't win them all

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