They will all read this aloud
The gun sounds
Repeating rounds
The mass bolting from the starting blocks
The tanking of financial stocks
The race to the NY Times
prime time booking
plugging your lamps into every conservative news outlet
everyone looking
Until your midnight light shines over every Gotham City
My god
Even Batman thinks it pretty
Then the screams
How can he write this piece of slanderous diatribe?
Such a verminous scribe
Delete this from every text book in school with the quickness
Do not infect our vulnerable young with this sickness
old Hollywood movie times
taking liberty with every scipt
The truth never really matters as long as the ticket sales are strong
And opening night comes with limousines
Lean black and long
Pretty stars and red velvet ropes and carpet
So glittery
But silly me
I just write what the statistics say
Reporting the news facts from colonial times
Up until noon today
Just reporting what I see and saw
The leak from the Supreme Court
The last straw drawn from
rich white men
Who also drew from black ink the very first pen
Founded and perpetuated the situation we are now all in
So don't blame me for reporting the news
If your conscience has the blues
Don't look at me and this here factual write
It will be soon enough
that you will redistrict my hood
so my vote won't count
I will be three fifths of a man again
Ain't I right?
So it's not enough that you will do anything to regain your rightful
Electorate power
Rich white men
Changing laws by the hour
Such a secretive sort
Playing with God behind black robes on the supreme court
Take away her voice
Take away her choice to have or to have not
Does she even get a change to speak
To the rich white men
More angry at the leak than the choice they want to eliminate
And you rich white men
better not discretely
impregnate your mistresses and concubines
With nowhere for them to abort
Them little ones will be yours
Not mines
But hey
You can disagree what is reported on this poetic newscast
Them that started out first
Will somehow
cross the finish line last
just be careful what you wish for
And pandora's box may not eventually be
The cup of hot tea you sip from your expensive china
Always a dangerous thing
When rich white men mess with
The everday vagina