blakmista | Poetry Vibe
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Confusion solution?


just different

Views: 207

Pushed out into a world of love

which had expectations so clear,

fought it like climbing down hill

confusion settled in and so near.

Told between the ages of 2 to 5

“Stop that”, “Get off from there”

I'd known my ears had heard it

now confused with fear everywhere.

Soon I would learn to settle down

as kindergarten slowed me also,

teacher and students picked a lot

shame then guilt wouldn't let go!

Racing ahead to the eighth grade

ashamed, with guilt, fear, & confused,

stop making bed, same with trash out

smiled a lot, inside hate I would use.

Graduation, summer over, high school

jumped into sports to gym to R.O.T.C.,

better at bed making amid trash out

wouldn't you know it here comes jealousy!

I made me a plan, some goals of mine

used hate to kick confusions behind,

“wait” sez shame, “allow me to try”

no problem shame, its no friend of mine?!

In no time at all my plan was working

so I pitched in hate with jealousy to try,

added final spices of guilt and ole' fear

matched and mixed I slipped a goodbye.

In the workforce for a time and now I'm 27

still working my plan being on my own, wow,

and listen up, I am soon to be a husband

butterflies!, she's beautiful! Oh not now!!".

                 --BlakMista--                     05/09/2022

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king suspire says:

The windy road to purpose. You have arrived. Congratulations
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Onward with mission purpose, BlakMista. You have the divine wisdom and guidance to navigate the course. Remember, when "butterflies" "wiggle" out of their cocoons, they freely soar onward. I too, congratulate you! Peace and Love.

Blakmista says:

Thank you for the wonderful comments. Cheers.

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