Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Views: 187


What legacy you profess 


was supposed to be 

spreading hope and dignity, 

freedom, and liberty 

and with great finesse

yet, not by your history 

which suggests

an alternative spin 

to the universe 

in directions opposite, 

the intention extreme 

obscured by circumstance 

travelling dimensions unseen


wheels of history turn 

truth, into 

dreams of conquest

by any and every means 


or otherwise, 

turn diagonally across 

every fiber 

in the fabric of your story

exposing fault lines 

of invisibility woven 

between the truth told 

and the lies obscured

of friendships betrayed, 

executions staged

needless sacrifices made; 

the price good people 

paid while, taking part 

in the course of history as 

it is/was being made, 

the double-helix of time, 


the minds behind the music, 

meet the conductor

directing the movements, 

as each note is played 

as it pertains to people 

relative to you and me

the spaces 

draped in silence… 

massacres, yet 

the stories blur to gray… 

there, as if to vanish…

where no one hears their cries. 

The assassins, 

prone to violence 

still untried, sidestep reality, 

without redress… 

so long as they hold true 

and hold silence, 

meanwhile, the music 

of false confidence, 

Tapping unspent reserves 

of an entire nation…

Siphon the people’s treasury 

bending rules 

in favor of the few…

supporting bigotry as necessary

Exploit dead men 

with a storyline, 


visions of glory, 

stories worth following 

make heroes/sheroes 

grant some illusion of strength

Sowing confusion in the ranks…  

Since we’re being frank, 

exposing to harm

Supporting cast 

for your invasion fleet

While your flagship… 

is sunk, by truth



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king suspire says:


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mlowe5 says:

Oh, Poop! Truth be told; damn "flagship" in the hole! I agree with King Suspire, C2: 100%! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed, truth's reality can never be sidestepped! Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

king suspire, mlowe5, Thank you, kindly

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