the following program is brought to you by the importance of using your own mind this program contains material that may be unsuitable for "dummies" influencer's often influence others to dance to their music and march to the beat of their drum "don't be dumb" test the frequency of others there are those who will steer you wrong drive you into a guardrail off the side of a cliff and leave you hanging on the ledge it's okay to tune in sometime
but be careful not to fall for the undocumented byline
be not tuned by the fork tongue rhetoric you possess your own voice and song called " A MIND OF YOUR OWN" follow your own mind no one owns your mind it's worth listening to especially when you rewind it reminds you when going through of something you already been through far worse than what you going through "it rang a bell" no one can tell you what you been through unless they came out the womb with you others may be wiser lived longer even stronger yet have quite a ways to go to walk a mile in your shoes "be not fooled" by status often one's posted present situation does not match one's current state of mind it could be chronic psychopathic ideology of one who lacks empty and superficial exploitative narcissism to hide chronic emptiness not to overlook the mountain size excessive need for social admiration
remember you can always change the station tune in to your own intuition or be led to the slaughter to be slain life is to be lived to the fullest not in vain if I appear to be coming across "influential" it does have a double effect that can lay down stepping stones move a mountain out your way or place stumbling blocks in your path for the rest of your life it depends on how one "interprets" the poetic guidance suggested