The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 475500
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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 191

the before the bout to the after do we ever think about the bout to moment when we're about to do what we are about to do it's something about when something is about to happen especially when it's something we can control every action follows the bout to moment we say I couldn't stop myself from doing what I was about to do after we have done what we were about to do it's about time to take responsibility for what we are about to do if what we are about to do effects us in a way that affects us for the rest of our life a diabetic unwraps a piece of candy or chocolate bar right before putting it in their mouth is the bout to moment a alcoholic pours a drink right before putting the glass up to their lips is the bout to moment someone grabs a gun to shoot someone right before pulling the trigger is the bout to moment we don't have to do what we are about to do it's about self discipline in area were discipline applies just because we are about to do whatever it is does not mean it has to be done the bout to moment gives us enough time to about face turn a and face the opposite direction and walk away the bout to moment is about choice and decisions we make every day of our lives what we are about to do matters in our life and in the lives of others think about what you are about to do right this moment then ask yourself "what is this really about" what's important is how we come out of what we do after doing what we were about to do I said what I said now you "do something bout it" it pays to pay close attention to what we are about to do

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, it's really about seeking divine wisdom and guidance in what is to be done about something about to be done without a doubt. ONE. Peace and Love.

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