mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 259



Indeed, as the world was turning,

For decades they made us believe

That our suffering was as was the

Days of our lives in this land; indeed,

As was the sands in the hourglass

Slowly falling to once again slowly

Fall until in the days to come

When the young and restless                      

Would teach us the new law and order

That the gun smoke of the Oppressor

Syndrome would bring to all in [our] family.


And here we are now, indeed—

With criminal minds of self-destruction:

Confused with Amos and Andy, dynamite

Fusions, nephew visit to uncle, and even Roots!

Choosing to sever the latter, rather than be nourished

By the awareness of Ourstory and the allegorical

Messages of ancestral survival inspirations:-


Now, we drool over scenes of blackish lives, screened

Visions of what could be us in 911 calls, and Forbidden

Black Insurrection against the Oppressor Syndrome—

Sending Vicious Under-minding of the hued allegory

That D’Jango brethren chose to succinctly give:

Another missed roots awareness—echoed.


Indeed, we can no longer—in Jefferson’s ways—be as if

The walking dead entering and exiting life’s stage_:-

For we are not mere players in life’s living reality;

Rather, we are of aged eyes still on the prize.


Indeed, in the face of the nation in which we live—with

It’s snotty-nosed oppressive racism—we must be mindful

That it is not to be of us to seek to reconcile with our evil

Oppressors, but rather, to be about the reconciliation with

One another as we uncloak the Oppressor Syndrome and

No longer allow our communities to be living graveyards.


Indeed, let us ever be mindful—we’re on God’s battlefield

And our children are watching and critiquing our performance.

Thus, as this Babylonian world of today—with its plethora

Of Pandora Box-like atrocities—continues to turn in these

Days of our lives, let us not be distracted from the eyes’ prize

As we remain steadfast in not leaving Children of Sisyphus behind.


Finally—indeed—just one more—paraphrased—thing: “…whatsoever…

Has been said that is...true, honest, pure, lovely…[thought-provoking]…

And of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise…

[Indeed, with divine wisdom and guidance]…think on these things….”









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LP45 says:

Excellent write Sir Lowe. Great reference to the old television shows. Message received. Peace and blessings.

mrmelody7 says:

Indeed Indeed throw down the gauntlet
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, mrmelody7. Peace and Love.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, LP45. It's uplifting and inspiring to hear from you again. It has been a while. My FaceBook account got really hacked. Thus, I have informed Family that I now, rarely use it. Again, it is good to hear from you. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme. You know where I'm coming from. Let us not be distracted. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thaks, TEEDUB815. Peace and Love.

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