Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 182400
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 191

An example of 

the oldest open secret
Known to mankind 

of protection...


Gathered, at the west end of town, 
mustered by would be leaders 

for muster and inspection
Huddled for a moment… 

were sworn in…

Simultaneously, upon suggestion 

“Let's ride”

Then galloped hard and fast 
to the south

Sending clouds of dust

As horseshoes smacked down 
so intensely,

Its explosions rocked the earth 
with dull thuds

Before the dust clears

Compresses earth 
leaving tracks, 

Their passing moments…
it trails behind them

Gathering in clouds 
shifting to the left, 

of riders and horses, 
riding hard, 

gasping for breath
still, pressing on...

As the dust clouds fade away

Carried on the light wind 
with time, dispersing

Riding with a vengeance… 

in hot pursuit,

While protecting the interests

Of decent folks 
trying to make

An honest living…

If successful, 
better than most

With gratitude and prayer…

by the most efficient

Of weapons obtainable

During a rough time of life, 

in a hard place

Where doing the right thing

Is its own reward…




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed! Such is the needed nature of "riding together" to "track down" and destroy oppression! Thanks for this powerful allegorical pen, C2. Peace and Love.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5. Imagine 'law' first involved, family and neighbors dispensing tribal justice.

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