Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 182400
contest winner 4
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Gone in an instant



Views: 179


An opening salvo 

was detected by advanced sensors 

Coming fast, unannounced 
from the deep

Hypersonic projectiles, sent in a swarm 

Like the approach of angry wasps 

undetectable by the sweep of radar, 

still picked up as a disturbance 
in the sensory cloud… 

a net, spread far and wide

Imprints of patterns 
given rise as brief flashes

Like lightning in a storm… 

Tech specialist third, 

Jammu Stevens on call

Immediately launched countermeasures, 

Launched Bat raptor sectors 3,5, 6 and 9

Targeting preliminary designation 

Alpha Zeta 4x3v8… 

Closing on coordinates 
of unspecified origin… 

Thus far, gamma quadrant 

R3017 cosign 7037f 

Followed rapidly 
by attacks launched…

in seven more waves 

filling the screens 
With robotic chatter… 

which was quickly dismissed, 
with a quick wave of a console 

attached to his wrist

As his sensory command station 
lifted off

Released from its stanchions 

Sped off 
through the night skies 

Flying blind… on a hunch

Yes Songs… 
playing in the background 

He hadn’t slept in days 

Been nearly a week 

since he’d set down for lunch

With his girlfriend, of sorts

on the monitors at least… 

When last, they’d spoke 
face to face 

She joked, halfheartedly 
about getting serious

Promised him a screw 
and a punch…

Sex was a luxury few could afford, 
Though, if left ignored… 

passion was erased from the equation

By indifference, 

lost voices in our bodies, 
Our heads, minds, and souls… 

crying out a small voice

What would remain 
of this human race

Long divided… 

our fate, open… 

Past the need…
to love 

and be loved… 






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A powerful salvo of the state of the world we now find ourselves battling in. They drop bombs of war; let us continue to drop words of peace and love. Great shout our! Thanks for the share, C2. Peace and Love.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Love needs touch...

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