Enemy within...
a second chance
when evasion is the only way
to escape the world of sin
when we have lost our way
When calling for our last prayer
Based upon our character, not whim
The greatest, favorable aspect of ourselves,
we find desirable to share among those
we wish to call friends,
to lead/follow
at least, with those
we most care about
Daring, no matter...
whatever may come, next…
Upon the fiercest winds, we can imagine
At least those who
remain unbroken
By life’s …reality, Jinn
through aural echoes
Dazzling auras…
spiraling wildly away
Each bursting…
our individual perceptions
Into the aura which surrounds us
as we continue
to pray the universe registers the tally
Keeping all we believe
in balance… collectively,
Until it no longer can,
or will…
avalanche, spill
Creating chaos at these coordinates
Losing integrity as we gauge
the cumulative effects
Of being