JaYcEonSmooth  | Poetry Vibe
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My Deepest Thoughts


just different

Views: 170


The longer the wait, the stronger the faith..

You had me falling for you by the time we sat down.

My alluring contemning convive meanwhile im on cloud 9,

Contemplating my next words on the minute towards the hour.

Just the other day I was struggling to write for purpose, pleasure and power.

My heart is pounding as if a gun pointed to my head,

Overwhelmed with self defeats

Thinking is it still worth it, to continue being me

And through the night i never sleep...

I was told, to seek perfection,

Was an illusion of infatuations false imagery and temporary blindness

But its because of you that I write different,

So much to say I always run out ink from the pen

The thought that you exist,

Makes me want to dream again..

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Belindathapoet says:

Nice work

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