let's talk about it I want to talk about being black and being called the n word by my own kind acting as if I don't mind I'm black and I do mind I rather be called by my name even if it's government issued I have no issue with it I can't cross it out I don't know why but I do mind being called that word remembering when my mother was mistaken for Angela Davis thrown to the pavement hair pulled and called a n***** b**** I remember the sound of violence during the Watts riot and being told what triggered it and why the frequency sets me off and sends me into a frenzy when acquaintances refer to me in such a demeaning manner as long as I'm black it's gone matter to me it's haunting taunting and displeasing like a social disease words can cut like a knife and leave a trail of lesions let's talk about it the floor is open the mics on the stand what do you want to talk about I'm all ears