No two days are the same because experiences of the day before give us the incentive to make tomorrow's better. A better day ahead means a life for that ages.
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mlowe5 says: Live live today. Peace and Love. |
A world apartHow can thevworld around us...surround us with so much tragedy...everyday. How can we live in a world and know ...everyday...that people around us live in so much pain...everyday. How do they...those who can make that change...ignore it...everyday. A world expecting those they have enslaved...cheated...relegated to believing we have no value...we must be crazy...everyday. How can the world know peace when we live in want for something better...permanent ...everyday. With all that is wrong with our mindset. How can we begin to make it right as we live with the horror that our mistakes bring our lives everyday...there is no escape from ourselves. Live with the life that got away! . |
Too ComfortableAwakened by the touch of grace. I lay for awhile hesitant to face a life a day I don't deserve. And still allowed to watch the changes time has brought to my face. My limbs. My hair. My inner self. The changes are making me fearful of myself. I long to have that fast touchvand go pace that allowed me a piece of the rat race that is such a burden and fraught with so many petty contrivances of getting ahead. It is all in their heads! Not a day goes by when I don't regret the effort that I have now forgotten but shadow's of it still emit that lingering need to reach out. But I remain in this fugue of comfort that I do not deserve. Music echoes and I dance. I sing . I read. I watch. Alone! |
OpenmindedThrough the ages words take on new meanings. Some words describe a person in totality while some just describe a moment. Seared in our brains are the judgements of people whose opinions matter. Then we make our own decisions from the changes of the people in the mainstream of life. Being centered is still a word whose meaning has not changed. The old become new again. As long as one can remain steadfast and acknowledge that time dies not change but passes and children are born and eventually die and as we accept its truth our lives will be centered in truth. On pause is the right to change what we become. Nations are atruggling and making laws to limit the powers of personal choice. In the balance is the people's effective challenges. As the choices of growth make way for an increase. Our thoughts turn to weighing the outcomes of the adventurers style choices and the world at large containing their voices. |
OpenmindedThrough the ages words take on new meanings. Some words describe a person in totality while some just describe a moment. Seared in our brains are the judgements of people whose opinions matter. Then we make our own decisions from the changes of the people in the mainstream of life. Being centered is still a word whose meaning has not changed. The old become new again. As long as one can remain steadfast and acknowledge that time dies not change but passes and children are born and eventually die and as we accept its truth our lives will be centered in truth. On pause is the right to change what we become. Nations are atruggling and making laws to limit the powers of personal choice. In the balance is the people's effective challenges. As the choices of growth make way for an increase. Our thoughts turn to weighing the outcomes of the adventurers style choices and the world at large containing their voices. |
OpenmindedThrough the ages words take on new meanings. Some words describe a person in totality while some just describe a moment. Seared in our brains are the judgements of people whose opinions matter. Then we make our own decisions from the changes of the people in the mainstream of life. Being centered is still a word whose meaning has not changed. The old become new again. As long as one can remain steadfast and acknowledge that time dies not change but passes and children are born and eventually die and as we accept its truth our lives will be centered in truth. On pause is the right to change what we become. Nations are atruggling and making laws to limit the powers of personal choice. In the balance is the people's effective challenges. As the choices of growth make way for an increase. Our thoughts turn to weighing the outcomes of the adventurers style choices and the world at large containing their voices. |
NightmaresHaunted by dreams of a person protecting one's life. Compact moments. Real and bouncing off the brain until only a wish to escape remains. Like watching the story already a movie on the silver screen. Focus clear. Real, it has to be. Segments flashing and close. The threat to life. Lost and trying to make sense of what is happening and then calm is restored. Until, you awaken and hear cops at the door. |
A river in AfricaDreams are the stuff of giants who cut a path alone or accompanied by love and good will. Some disbelieving but hopeful souls who want to be part of achievement. A statue of all that is that monument moving and speaking and living and breathing. Any one of us can step into the shoes of the giant. We don't see the compliance. There are rules of conduct given, born into or learned with a wit unsurpassed. Some say it is class. But it lasts long enough to clear the path. A giant can. Watchers and well wishers stand in awe and because they saw, they emulate. Fate. Dreams are real and requisite to motivate those frozen in time by history's by products. No one imagined the grief of loss. The time nation's waste the gifts bestowed. Certain is the stress because retraction are meager afterthoughts. |
FrayedRarely, does the predetermined life veer from paths that are constructed to ensure a that moment destined. The grooves are smooth and uncongested.. Nothing intrudes in the way the tentacles of certainty wrap and lift as pledges of mind, body and soul commit. Then; a sensation; a premonition, an act that soon destroys. Convulseconstructs sructs of the routine and only a miracle can sway the shears of the unthinkable. Only. |
ConsultWhen is the answer to the question ever understood. When is the complaint ever a question. When is the lie ever the truth. When am I ever going to complete you? All the problems in the world began when we were boys and girls. Learning is always the process that firms the blank slate into a work of art. The job mill is always that test of wills, to determine what we have become. Our end by product is a compilation of all the input we have stored to change and contribute to a world little understood after hours, days, months, and years that are still not enough to prevent the tears from falling When hurts and disappointments destroy the house we are building! |
The Dark Side of Being PositiveEvery moment of everyday. Watching as most people have things their way. Stepping aside as might makes right. Dealing with rejection as haters take the limelight. Cringing with shame and embarrassment as we pretend we don't know what is meant as innocuous slights and obvious references to our plight makes for somber and tortuous days with sleepless nights. Doing what is right takes strength and resolve to follow the teachings of good advice. Reaching levels mist don't think we could or should because the move to another neighborhood means moving up and soon it is hoped to be moving out! Being becomes a positive thinking nightmare as we face the backlash that our clothes are wrong our hair isn't long our br e acts are too small our is isn't high enough...we act as if we don't endure too much. The smiles soon fade but our presence rebounds as we assume the legacy of our forefathers cause...nothing is too hard for God! |