This is a story goes back
some years ago I was 28 yrs old
going through some tough terrain all
bought on by me I was really thinking
God had put a curse on me thats how
bad things was going I mean life was real
misserable no car new to the state staying
with relatives going to junior college just
to get GI check cause no job Traveled 52 mile
round trip everyday to go to class in the worse possible position
depending on other people Have been left three times
cause the bus was 15 minutes late getting to where my
ride pick me up they just left didnt wait I wasnt there they gone
Back to the story in the big city going to school I see this young
man late 20s rolling down the street I say rolling because he
was on a skate board no legs just his torso sitting on the skate
board From that day on my complaining vanished I so admired
this individual he was brave and strong enough to combat his disabilities get out and move around on those busy downtown streets
with all the traffic enduring all the stares From that day on instead of
complainging about my situations I count my blessings