2Late4luv | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 190
The or a common reread that binds us is that our minds are fed so much nonsense we cannot fathom the depths and breathe if their deceptions. Our eyes can see and noses sniff out the hubris they are constantly concocting to divert the path of truth and justice so that a few can erect a cosmos of exploits that will leave the poor souls in awful distress as we once again miss our chances of lasting happiness. The world's poor deserve that at least . Money does not always bring it. Denying that happiness is not always found with or without it. Leads us down a path that rarely crosses over except to fear what meets us on the others defining, there is where world's collide. Many words are spoken on the disparity between the world's coexisting in a place where it is assented there is plenty. Plenty misery unless poor people save the world by faith.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profound! Indeed, it is by/in/through ancestral Faith that We shall save this world from satin's hell as we continue to flow waters of resurrected peace and love. Thanks for making my day, today. Peace and Love.

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