Daily, the act of moving is a major gain. The completion of thoughts an accomplishment. The energy of focus is a
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just different
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Beside.Schooling is a lifetime ago. I want for nothing but here I go again electing to pen this unknown and unfamiliar gnawing in the pit of my soul that recognizes that I have left undone the most important aspect of existence. Reaching and planning or planning and reaching perhaps the problem lies in first cause. Delving too deeply could sever something that ruptures a necessary thought. Too long sedentary giving rise to unfounded hopes can lead one into delusions. I delude myself as often as opportunity allows. My eyes and mind take in the seen and unseem and then two connections lead into revelations to be examined. Noone can be in the moment and not expose the lie...the truth of its existence. Learning is what the mind does. Relating is the gift it exposes. I grasp the truth of me and I lack the complete. To give up now would be to deny what might have been. Regrets...remorse are all part of living , growing, being. |
Error of waysDiversity. Subversive. Those two alone set the stage for controversies that alerted the world of bigger problems than the issue of slavery ever could. The opinions differ concerning gender and relationships between people of certain age gaps, questions arise about voting rights of those who live but don't pay taxes in America, the swiftly rise and fall of opinions is the only dependable news. Closeting ourselves is a habit the people have dispensed with in favor again of letting it all hang out. Societies weather all. Societies see all. Societies hear all. Societies embrace all. Forgotten are concepts that inhibit free will. The message loud and clear is we will! . |
PoisedReally? This time should have been different. This time apart should have not consumed with doubts and fear. This time should have calmed the stormy waters that time to think, brought. This time. All around as time passes, observing with no distractions. This time a way to cast out demons. This time. Everyday, a new way. Over and beyond the tricks and stumbling blocks; the barricades of fears that divert. This time. A clear path, for once. Really? Roiling before eyes.not blinded.by rapture . This time. Mine! |
BossyLarge families nurture live and sharing, but truth be told there is more domineering. As older siblings assume the right to tell the youngest what to do. Their experience dictates that they have been there and know the way. How to stay out of trouble, how to gain favor with adults, how to abolook alluring and what love is all about. Everywhere we go there is someone else who knows that days are long and nights are made to rest. Digested facts and noble acts from those who carry the contradictions of the world upon their breaststroke. Congregate sensations which cloud our judgment can cause those who share our interests to pretend to know what is better.: Believing I have the right to decide which kind of life I want. But my naiveté was exposed by my older sibling. And alone could nullify any and all my visions. |
Just PlayingAll my life I have suffered with this mental block forbidding me to tear it down so I could reach that place it denied me. The fact that I was able to complete what society assessed for me is a testimony to parents who wanted better life for me. Unholy events occurred and thoughtless, weak, and undeterred by goals set I stumbled forward only to repent and stagnate upon what might have been. Settled in and focused upon a new start. I could not relinquish some of my old habits. Suckered punched by a trap of contentment time was not suspended and all my plans for recovery waylaid into another barricade of delays and contention. |
Honest LieA college degree may not mean to you what it means to me. The places I traveled to get it, you may not find on your map. Times have changed but emotions are felt by all red blooded , warm bloodied people everywhere. I have never feared being afraid to care about the plight if people or how we can get there from here. Some ghosts of the past haunt us and we are distracted by nonessential. We alone can decide what is for us orvagainstbus and courage seems to be in short supply. Forces of nature hold back lest it is the cause of man's destruction. Align you wits with those who have proven their visions are inclusive and not exclusive bring on the outside looking in is a bore. |
So sexyAs people mingle again ignoring the signs that changes may be more difficult to adjust to as we enter in the places we used to go. A door opened to be shut again but until then. We become reacquainted and search for the familiar and commit it to memory. That mask covered two years of growth,unseen. Laughing and kissing cheeks and smiling into eyes of faces we can see. The world rights itself and love embraces itself...as people act out their suppressed feelings...real, at last, again unconcealed. |
The MazeDaily, the act of moving is a major gain. The completion of thoughts an accomplishment. The energy of focus is a |
In my opinionThough my life holds no momentous events I still try to participate in it. I still try to account for my sins and even forgive those who don't forgive me. I assess the world and its significant judgements as the spectator position life has assigned to me. But sometimes the swell of an idea takes control and an opinion is born. Comes on the wings of the struggle to breath, comes on the backs of slaves pulling sacks in the hot heat of a day they praise as good though that is the only opinion nit blooded over as they work til dark in the heat of the day. In the heat of the day as conflicts prevail and certainty that the world is bound for he'll, despite the constant references to Jesus the light if the world. No one is perfect but our goal is to seek and become the adult we would most like to be. Free to embrace the truths that are clear and unravel the mystery produced by people everywhere. Largely, overcoming the boundaries and roadblocks of clarity we express the effects of... |
DenialThe or a common reread that binds us is that our minds are fed so much nonsense we cannot fathom the depths and breathe if their deceptions. Our eyes can see and noses sniff out the hubris they are constantly concocting to divert the path of truth and justice so that a few can erect a cosmos of exploits that will leave the poor souls in awful distress as we once again miss our chances of lasting happiness. The world's poor deserve that at least . Money does not always bring it. Denying that happiness is not always found with or without it. Leads us down a path that rarely crosses over except to fear what meets us on the others defining, there is where world's collide. Many words are spoken on the disparity between the world's coexisting in a place where it is assented there is plenty. Plenty misery unless poor people save the world by faith. |